Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cookie Monster Costume for Kids

Cookie Monster Costume for Kids

Sesame Street is one show that you can definitely relate to with your kids since you grew up with it, too. It won't come as a surprise if you can still name the characters of this popular children's educational show by heart. From Jim Henson's Ernie and Bert, Count Dracula, Big Bird, Elmo, and Oscar the Grouch, to name a few, you can't really wrong. Choosing a character from the show will be fun especially for your toddlers who still hopefully enjoy watching it regularly. And probably one of the most lovable characters among them is the Cookie Monster. So, a Cookie Monster costume for kids is surely a popular choice to dress your child up with this Halloween season.

A Cookie Monster costume for kids is a great idea, not only because it's cute, but also because it can also be the best way to dress up your child warmly in areas where the weather is really cold. If you find the right materials and if you have loads of time, you can do the costume yourself. Its simple design can really be easy to make for yourself. But, not all moms have the luxury of doing everything by hand. Buying one would be the best option. But, if you feel like this would be cheating the fun out of Halloween, here are some costume ideas that you can add to the basic costume to make the look more special for your little one.

Since the Cookie Monster costume for kids is really simple, you won't have much to work on. What you can do instead, is work on the props to go along with the costume. You can get a lightweight plastic cookie jar that he or she could carry around to put the treats in. Or you can fashion an old cookie jar that you can carry for your little cookie monster yourself. All you have to do is personalize the cookie jar by sticking on it a "Cookie Monster's Cookie Jar" label that you can print out on a blue poster paper. Or better yet, you can write one out yourself in how you imagine Cookie Monster would be writing it. You can also fashion a small blue tote bag or carry all with the label as an option to the jar.

Another cool idea that you can do if you have another toddler, is to dress the other kid as a cookie jar or as a cookie to go hand in hand with your Cookie Monster. There are other ways that you can do to spice up your ready-made Cookie Monster costume for kids and make it extra special.

There really is no limit to how you can make your Cookie Monster costume for kids unique and impressive. As with any other costume ideas, the most important thing is that your kid will have as much fun wearing it as you did in putting the costume together. So go ahead and be adventurous this Halloween.

Cookie Monster Costume for Kids


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